State of Louisiana OCD-DRU creates APA 10 without Governors Task Force being notified or involved.
Many emails were sent to the Executive Assistant to the Executive Director Lori Dupont for a copy of the Restore Louisiana Action Plan Amendment 10 when Action Plan Amendment 11 was announced after the Feb. 15, 2019 Restore Louisiana Task Force Meeting.
It became a problem to many Restore Louisiana Homeowners when APA 10 was not published and the states Office of Community Development was unresponsive to demands by the citizens to have access to a copy of the Action Plan Amendment 10.
The OCD-DRU compliance / legal team announced that Action Plan Amendment 10 was renamed to Action Plan Amendment 11. We found this not to be true when APA 10 was published about the same day APA 11 was published.
It was noted that APA 10 was published to HUD on Feb. 20th 2019 5 days after APA 11 was voted on by the RLHP Task Force.
HUD Approved APA 10 on Feb. 25th, 2019.
The issue is that the state OCD-DRU moved $5 million without informing the public, the governors office, the task force according to document requests sent to the OCD-DRU.
It was reported by internal OCD-DRU employees that APA 10 was actually APA 11. But then when APA 10 surfaced only a few days after several homeowners demanded a copy of it and it was not formatted the same as all the other APA's that have been sent to HUD questions of authority or operating beyond their authority became apparent.
One member reported that their document requests were ignore and another stated the OCD-DRU ask that they do not do this research.
So what is wrong?
The state acted as it's own governing agency and created a action plan that moved $5 million without notice to the public or to the commissions and boards put in place by the governors office under the Executive Order JBE-2016-65.
Research Note: If you would like to investigate this please feel free to do so. Homeowners would like to see an official response from the Director of the OCD-DRU and the Governors office.
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