Freedom of Information Request: Communications between the Governors Office and RLHP relating to waiving state contractor license requirements.
#2 published 1-4-2019 1 min. 41 seconds read, search group Research.
Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.
Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.
Freedom of Information Request: Communications between the Governors Office and RLHP relating to waiving state contractor license requirements.
#2 published 1-4-2019 1 min. 41 seconds read, search group Research.
Contact In State, Groups, People, Agencies
#108 published 3-25-2019 7 min. 13 seconds read, search group Research.
Are there specific rules, policies or guidance that the states have to tell their citizens to protect them from being deemed ineligible for future federal disaster recovery funds?
#11 published 12-30-2018 3 min. 33 seconds read, search group Transparency.
GAO-19-232 Disaster Victims not inspected by HUD for damages when applicants where denied by SBA
#124 published 5-14-2019 1 min. 17 seconds read, search group Research.
Interim Mortgage Assistance Data Collection Request.
#156 published 8-9-2019 2 min. 16 seconds read, search group Questions.
Subcommittees were created with what appears to be in the best interest of the Program. But was the programs interest disaster victims or are we seeing individuals on the task force filling their agendas at the expense Louisiana citizens recovery?
#58 published 1-16-2019 3 min. 32 seconds read, search group Research.
Manufactured home owners discriminated against by Louisiana Flood eligibility policy. "Mobile homes that have not been classified as having Major / Severe damage must have sustained at least one foot of flood water inside..." appeals process by IEM?
#50 published 1-5-2019 2 min. 41 seconds read, search group Research.
September 2, 2016 Governor Edwards letter to President Barack Obama.
#65 published 2-3-2019 7 min. 12 seconds read, search group Research.
Congressional Appropriation Request Monday, October 10, 2016 3:30 PM-4:00 PM
#72 published 2-3-2019 5 min. 45 seconds read, search group Research.
Rental assistance to tenants—42 U.S.C. 5305 is modified to permit rental assistance for up to 24 months State of Louisiana only.
#77 published 2-23-2019 3 min. 7 seconds read, search group Research.
The 6-month CDBG-DR Grant Process timer for your state started on 1-21-2025.
By Murray Wennerlund
Fire, smoke blocking and air sealing between floors in a home.
By Murray Wennerlund
How to Fail Your Municipality's Residential Block and Tie Inspection.
By Murray Wennerlund