Louisiana was allocated over 1.2 billion from the Hazard Mitigation” CDBG-DR funds in the Federal Budget ACT of February
On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 7:15 PM Pat Forbes <Patrick.Forbes@la.gov> wrote:
Restore Task Force Members,
Attached please find two documents for your review prior to our calls this week. The first describes a proposal regarding direction of the state’s approach to watershed-based floodplain management. As you may have heard, Louisiana was allocated over $1.2 billion from the "Hazard Mitigation" CDBG-DR funds in the Federal Budget ACT of February. This money is provided as a resource to make impacted communities more resilient during and after future disasters. The Governor expects the watershed-based floodplain management effort to guide the investment of these funds.
The second document describes two separate proposals. The first is regarding reallocation of funds between two rental recovery programs and the second proposes a Public Service program to assist Sheriff’s offices that were impacted by reduced tax revenues after the floods.
We are currently planning to offer a resolution for approval related to each of the three proposals at Friday's Task Force meeting. We look forward to discussing all the proposals on the calls this week and to seeing you all on Friday.
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