Louisiana to request flood relief assistance from the EDA. Did Congressman Graves make it happen?
From: Erin Monroe Wesley [mailto:Erin.MonroeWesley@la.gov]
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 10:22 AM
To: Adam Knapp <knapp@brac.org>
Cc: Pat Forbes <Patrick.Forbes@LA.GOV>; Rowdy Gaudet <Rowdy.Gaudet@LA.GOV>
Subject: Restore LA Task Force Follow Up - EDA Request
Adam –
You made a great point in yesterday's meeting regarding the need for Louisiana to request flood relief assistance from the EDA. Can you give me additional background information on the kinds of relief requested after Katrina or what you envision our request should be?
Erin Monroe Wesley
Special Counsel (Policy Director/Legislative Affairs)
From: Adam Knapp <knapp@brac.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 11:17 AM
To: Erin Monroe Wesley
Cc: Pat Forbes; INACTIVE - Rowdy Gaudet
Subject: RE: Restore LA Task Force Follow Up - EDA Request
I'll see if we can find what they did after Katrina and Rita. I don't recall specifics. Garrett Graves had brought it up to us a few weeks ago that he was contemplating an economic development appropriation request through EDA. I’m not sure if they are still trying to venture in that direction, and will check with Paul.
From: Pat Forbes
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 11:53 AM
To: Erin Monroe Wesley; Adam Knapp
Cc: Rowdy Gaudet
Subject: RE: Restore LA Task Force Follow Up - EDA Request
I'm checking with Adrienne. I don't remember an EDA grant, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Research Resources:
1. FOIA Email
2. EDA . Gov Disaster Relief