For some households, the information I provide helps them get back in their homes. Others I've had a hand in helping them recovery from some of their disaster debt burden. In any case, when you use the information I provide and it's helpful and makes you more successful with your disaster rebuild or new construction then feel free to contribute what you can and when you can. It helps with the hours of unpaid research and reading.
Date 1-3-2019
Request the Restore Louisiana Solution 2 Reconstruction and Solution 2 Repair Standard Operating Procedure manual.
In a second request related to the Reconstruction and Solution 2 Repair SOP I would like a list or change log of any edits or contributions offered by the following companies and individuals.
P.W.R. LLC Amy Roberts or Paul Walton Roberts.
Emergent Methods LLC. Nick Speyrer or Derrick Speyrer.
Individuals: Todd Mann, Matthew Price, Jason Clary, Charles Voelker or any other person hired for the RLHP that contributed to the creation of the Reconstruction and Solution 2 Repair SOP.