For some households, the information I provide helps them get back in their homes. Others I've had a hand in helping them recovery from some of their disaster debt burden. In any case, when you use the information I provide and it's helpful and makes you more successful with your disaster rebuild or new construction then feel free to contribute what you can and when you can. It helps with the hours of unpaid research and reading.
Date 12-17-2018
Request meeting notes, emails and documents between the following persons discussing homeowners meeting on the date of 12-10-2018 in the Restore Mead office.
- Catherine Fairchild
- Todd Mann
- Dan Rees
- Paul Roberts
- Nick Speyrer
- Derrick Speyrer
- All others involved in the meeting.
During the meeting on Dec. 10, 2018 it was stated by a homeowner that he felt as if the individuals managing the program were picking on him. Todd Mann and Catherine Fairchild were quick to dismiss the allegation and stated that there is no evidence of that.
The homeowners do not feel the same and have collected over the year 2018 evidence to support such claims and will be seeking other measures to secure documents from your office if you refuse to release the emails requested Sept 25, 2018 as well as the meeting notes and communications between the parties listed above.
>>> Response by State of Louisiana OCD-DRU DOA <<<
Date 12-20-2018 (Dan Rees)
Your December 17, 2018 public records request was received by the Division of Administration on that same day. We are conducting a search for records. Once the search is finished, the records will be reviewed for privileges and exemptions. We will contact you as soon as the review is completed, and all non-exempt records will be made available to you.