Freedom of Information Request Request a copy of the OCD-DRU Restore contractors contract with the following company DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC or DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC.

Published 1-4-2019 search group

Date 9-4-2018

Request a copy of the OCD-DRU (Restore) contractors contract with the following company: DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC or DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. as registered in the Secretory of States website and the State Licensing board of Contractors. 

The contract directly between the state and this contractor or the contractor that has hired as a sub-contractor this contractor. 

Company I am researching: 

Company name: DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC           State SOS filing 1/4/2017 ID 42504789K
Address: 9618 JEFFERSON HWY, SUITE D-158  / BATON ROUGE, LA  70809 
>>> Response by State of Louisiana DOA OCD-DRU <<<
Date 9-10-2018.

This is to acknowledge your e-mail submission of September 4, 2018, below. It is important to state as succinctly as possible the documents which you are requesting to avoid ambiguity or confusion. Your request is being interpreted as a request for either a contract between OCD-DRU and DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC or DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC., or, if either of those Dynamic Construction Group entities is a subcontractor to the OCD-DRU’s prime contractor, a copy of OCD-DRU’s contract with that prime contractor.

OCD-DRU does not have a contract as requested with either Dynamic Group entity, so there is no document responsive to that request.  OCD-DRU does have the attached contract with Innovative Emergency Management, Inc., which in turn has a contract with Dynamic Construction Group, LLC.

Attached document link "IEM contract for Restore Louisiana" download.

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