Freedom of Information Request OCD-DRU related to reconstruction of homes ONLY by licensed contractors and to exclude the state law that allows the homeowner to be their own contractor under the State Contractors License Exemption law.
Date 8-30-2018
Freedom of Information Request: Request policy documents from the OCD-DRU related to reconstruction of homes ONLY by licensed contractors and to exclude the state law that allows the homeowner to be their own contractor under the State Contractors License Exemption law.
We have been told by the OCD-DRU that we can not self contract work on our own homes. But Mr. Hassert of the state licensing board claims we can self manage and self contract our own home builds.
I am looking for documents that specifically state a home owner can not be a homeowner contractor for their home reconstruction. I have asked the OCD-DRU IEM Inc employee to provide this information and they refer me to a brochure with a checklist.
I hope you can help with the retrieval of any document that discriminates against homeowners that wish to manage their reconstruction projects
>>> Response by State of Louisiana DOA OCD-DRU <<<
Date 8-30-2018
This is to acknowledge your e-mail submission of August 30, 2018, below. Please note that that the Louisiana Public Record Law allows for requests of existing documents and not generally for submission of questions, discussions, requests for research, or creation of documents. Also, it is important to state as succinctly as possible the documents which you are requesting to avoid ambiguity or confusion. If your submission contains any questions, comments, assertions, or characterizations, this communication is not to be deemed a response or concurrence with same. Your e-mail below is being interpreted as a request for policy documents in the Restore Louisiana homeowner assistance program regarding requirements that Solution 2 grant recipients utilize licensed contractors for reconstruction. The following language is contained in the Restore Louisiana program manual, Iocated on the following website Restore Louisiana program manual website link :