CDBG-DR Order of Assistance. When the Grantee takes CDBG-DR grants to pay for FEMA or Army Corps projects.

Published 9-24-2019 search group HUDGuidance

V.C. Order of Assistance

CDBG–DR appropriations acts generally include a statutory order of assistance for Federal agencies. Although the language may vary among appropriations, the statutory order of assistance typically provides that CDBG–DR funds may not be used for activities reimbursable by or for which funds are made available by FEMA or the Army Corps. This means that grantees must verify whether FEMA or Army Corps funds are available for an activity (i.e. the application period is open) or the costs are reimbursable by FEMA or Army Corps (i.e., the grantee will receive FEMA or Army Corps assistance to reimburse the costs of the activity) before awarding CDBG–DR assistance for costs of carrying out the same activity. If FEMA or Army Corps are accepting applications for the activity, the applicant must seek assistance from those sources before receiving CDBG–DR assistance. If the applicant's costs for the activity will be reimbursed by FEMA or the Army Corps, the grantee cannot provide the CDBG–DR assistance for those costs. In the event that FEMA or Army Corps assistance is awarded after the CDBG–DR to pay the same costs, it is the CDBG–DR grantee's responsibility to recapture CDBG–DR assistance that duplicates assistance from FEMA or the Army Corps.

Under the Stafford Act, a federal agency that provides duplicative assistance must collect that assistance. For CDBG–DR grants, the CDBG–DR grantee must collect duplicative assistance it provides.

FEMA regulations at 44 CFR 206.191 set forth a delivery sequence that establishes which source of assistance is duplicative for certain programs. CDBG–DR assistance is not listed in FEMA's sequence, but as a practical matter, CDBG–DR assistance duplicates other sources received before the CDBG–DR for the same purpose and portion of need. Any amount received from other sources before the CDBG–DR assistance that is determined to be duplicative must be collected by the grantee. The mandatory agreement to repay (discussed in VII. below) can be used to prevent duplication by assistance that is available, but not yet received. If the duplicative assistance is received after CDBG–DR, the grantee must collect the DOB or contact HUD if it has questions about whether another Federal agency is responsible for collecting the duplication.

Research Resources:


  • Grantee = State Managing HUD CDBG-DR funds
  • Aggregate amount = Total Dollar Amount
  • Subsidized loans = SBA loans

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