For some households, the information I provide helps them get back in their homes. Others I've had a hand in helping them recovery from some of their disaster debt burden. In any case, when you use the information I provide and it's helpful and makes you more successful with your disaster rebuild or new construction then feel free to contribute what you can and when you can. It helps with the hours of unpaid research and reading.
Cancelled Loans: Cancelled loans are loans (or portions of loans) that were initially accepted, but for a variety of reasons, all or a portion of the loan amount was not disbursed and is no longer available to the applicant. The cancelled loan amount is the amount that is no longer available. The loan cancellation may be due to default of the borrower, agreement by both parties to cancel the undisbursed portion of the loan, or expiration of the term for which the loan was available for disbursement.
The following documentation is sufficient to demonstrate that any undisbursed portion of an accepted subsidized loan is cancelled and no longer available: (a) A written communication from the lender confirming that the loan has been cancelled and undisbursed amounts are no longer available to the applicant; or (b) a legally binding agreement between the CDBG–DR grantee (or local government or subrecipient administering the CDBG–DR assistance) and the applicant that indicates that the period of availability of the loan has passed and the applicant agrees not to take actions to reinstate the loan or draw any additional undisbursed loan amounts. The documentation described above must be maintained by the grantee. Without this documentation, any approved but undisbursed portion of a subsidized loan must be included in the grantee's calculation of the total assistance amount unless another exception applies.
For cancelled SBA loans, the grantee must notify the SBA that the applicant has agreed to not take any actions to reinstate the cancelled loan or draw any additional undisbursed loan amounts.
Research Resources:
- Grantee = State Managing HUD CDBG-DR funds
- Aggregate amount = Total Dollar Amount
- Subsidized loans = SBA loans