Double Flooded Applicants Louisiana March and August Floods damage determination inside view of discussion.
Double-Flooded Policy Clarification
Follow-up from Prior Policy Meeting
Policy Meeting Packet
From: Leann Smith
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 4:19 PM
To: Spring Garcia <>
Cc: Kim Chauvin <>
Subject: Double Flooded Applicants
Hello Spring,
Hope you’re doing well! Kim and I spoke about the policy meeting, and we wanted to dialogue with you about the topic of
minor damage on both floods.
Stacy mentioned that she'd like to see the population of applicants that should have been considered major/severe from their cumulative FVL but were deemed ineligible due to damage level. I told Kim that I’d be happy to help get a report run to identify this population, but I wanted to get with you first to make sure that you weren't running any reports of your own. I'm happy to assist with this if you'd like me to handle it.
Also, we'd addressed in the meeting that only the cumulative of the FVL should be considered when determining if an applicant was major/severe as a result of both storms. However, Kim is concerned that the cumulative of the flood height from both storms may have been used to determine major/severe in the past. I wanted to put this on your radar (and I can also help pull some reports on this as well, if needed).
Let me know if I need to do anything from here. Happy to help!
LeAnn Smith
From: Spring Garcia
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 6:18 PM
To: Leann Smith <>
Cc: Kim Chauvin <>
Subject: RE: Double Flooded Applicants
Only the FVL from both storms is added and if > 8K then will be M/S. If flood height from either storm is > 12” it’s used. In other words flood height is not added together.
Spring Garcia
From: Leann Smith
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 8:23 AM
To: Spring Garcia <>
Cc: Kim Chauvin <>
Subject: RE: Double Flooded Applicants
Good deal. If you wind up needing some extra help in researching the double flooded population, please just let me know!
Thanks, and have a great day!
LeAnn Smith
RE: Double Flooded Applicants
Spring Garcia
Sent:Monday, October 15, 2018 4:11 PM
To: Leann Smith; Ingrid Jones; Tracy Bennett; Hannah Kimbrough
Cc: Annick Mauroner; Amanda Raymond; Chad Carson; Catherine Fairchild; Bria Griffith; Malissa X. Jackson; Shirley Poirrier; Stacy Bonnaffons;
Lauren Tichenor Nichols
All, In reviewing file a couple of items were brought to light that require correction.
1. RLHP Policies and Procedures Doc. V4.1 needs the following revision on pg. 57 for Double flooded applicants. It currently states in the second paragraph:
"The applicant will need to provide proof of loss related to the March 2016 flood via receipts for materials or repairs, cancelled checks to contractors, and/or paid invoices to establish the value of the repairs lost in the second flood in August 2016. RLHP will also use FEMA data to verify March 2016 damage level, which must have been major/severe, or the cumulative FEMA verified loss of both storms must have been major/severe."
The corrected verbiage is: RLHP will also use FEMA data to verify the damage level. If flood height from either storm is > 12" or if the cumulative FEMA verified loss of both storms > 8K then the damage will be considered major/severe.
a. The PCA put out for double flooded applicants contains calculation processes for 5 6 scenarios. OCD is currently reviewing for accuracy and will provide feedback ASAP.
b. The PCA also requires cancelled checks for all expenditures. This is not RLHP policy. If a handwritten receipt with handwritten logo/company information or a receipt to an individual is provided then a cancelled check would be required but receipts from Home Depot, B&D Plumbing, Central Electric etc. should not require cancelled checks or proof of payment.
Spring Garcia
Research Resource:
- Document Request Louisiana DOA Management Meetings between 8-2018 and 11-2018.