Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.

Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.

Reforming Disaster Recovery Act of 2019

#109 published 3-26-2019 1 min. 51 seconds read, search group Research.

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Double Flooded Applicants Louisiana March and August Floods damage determination inside view of discussion.

#114 published 4-1-2019 3 min. 12 seconds read, search group Research.

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FEMA Resource every disaster victim should have bookmarked before the disaster hits your home and business.

#129 published 6-4-2019 1 min. 11 seconds read, search group Research.

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Tulane University , LSU, University of Louisiana at Lafayette may have been overlooked as possible grant award recipients for watershed modeling applications development.

#131 published 6-13-2019 1 min. 18 seconds read, search group Watershed.

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Public Law 115 123 1 appropriated 28 billion of Community Development Block Grant disaster recovery CDBG-DR funding for two purposes

#121 published 4-20-2019 5 min. 33 seconds read, search group Research.

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Task Force asked by Citizens to add SBA Declined Loan Public Law 115-123 to meeting agenda, request was never answered by the task force or state government.

#118 published 4-8-2019 7 min. 34 seconds read, search group Research.

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... we want to spread this rebuilding assistance money to as many people, homeowners, renters, and small businesses as quickly as we possibly can, again, congress has appropriated $1.65 billion to Louisiana.

#123 published 5-12-2019 1 min. 39 seconds read, search group Research.

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Limitation on emergency grant payments interim mortgage assistance. 42 U.S.C. 5305a8 is modified to extend interim mortgage assistance to qualified individuals from 3 months to up to 20 months.

#133 published 6-15-2019 1 min. 56 seconds read, search group Allocations.

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Hurricane Isaac CDBG-DR grants are still available from state OCD-DRU passed on Isaac APA 13

#141 published 7-17-2019 1 min. 3 seconds read, search group HMGP.

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Subsidized Loans for HUD Guidance June 2019 notice. What the notice includes.

#166 published 9-24-2019 1 min. 17 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.

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