Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.

Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.

Louisiana Watershed Coordinated Agencies LWCA to prioritize investment to advance watershed-based floodplain science in Louisiana.

#90 published 2-25-2019 2 min. 12 seconds read, search group Research.

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Congressman Graves letter to Gov Edwards re: Comite River Diversion Canal July 14, 2017 10:59 AM less attachment

#91 published 2-25-2019 3 min. 5 seconds read, search group Research.

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#96 published 3-7-2019 4 min. 33 seconds read, search group Research.

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State of Louisiana OCD-DRU creates APA 10 without Governors Task Force being notified or involved.

#97 published 3-9-2019 2 min. 44 seconds read, search group Research.

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State Homeland Security and Emergency Management agencies are costing homeowners Millions by not knowing how the sequence of disaster assistance works.

#107 published 3-23-2019 2 min. 9 seconds read, search group Research.

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Reconstruction with Elevation homeowners that have DOB higher than their grant award based on the first grant award calculation may have a housing discrimination issue to file against HUD.

#111 published 3-28-2019 1 min. 3 seconds read, search group Research.

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To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to ensure that unmet needs after a major disaster are met.

#110 published 3-28-2019 3 min. 51 seconds read, search group Research.

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10 most impacted parishes in Louisiana to which 80 percent of 1.2 billion will be required to be spent for mitigation projects. Friday, April 6, 2018 11:13 AM

#79 published 2-23-2019 10 seconds read, search group Research.

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Restore Louisiana Task Force Conference Calls and Phone Call Meetings April 06, 2018

#80 published 2-23-2019 1 min. 40 seconds read, search group Research.

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What role is the Water Institute playing in this? April 12, 2018 5:07 PM

#89 published 2-25-2019 2 min. 43 seconds read, search group Research.

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