We have had some discussion about Quality Controls and inspections related to Estimates with missing items.
I want you all to know that Hunt, Guillot & Associates, LLC gets paid by the UNIT which means it's per household.
Read the contract and then tell me you aren't going to report mistakes.
Hunt, Guillot & Associates, LLC Contract with Louisiana OCD-DRU
Company info:
Hunt, Guillot & Associates, LLC
DUN Number: 012836610
State Date 11/6/2017
Estimated end date 11/5/2019
Contract max amount: $10,000,000
Brief Description of Contract: RestoreLA home inspections, quality assurance and quality control
Areas that will interest you.
- Section 4 Payments
- Section 12 Sub-contractors
If it takes them 20 times to get measurements correct they still only get paid one time for the unit.
If you accept their mistakes you just gave this company free money for not doing their jobs.
They actually don't do the work, it's their sub-contractors so again, you are paying people to make mistakes.
You can only offer QC and QA on data collected that is perfect.
If I take one picture of one room and measure one room and finished my report my QA and QC will be perfect for one room.
The QC is completed by pictures, homes description, etc. If data is omitted it passes QC many times.