1896 ||
Grant Number B-16-DL-22-0001
Grantee Name State of Louisiana
Grant Amount $1,708,407,000
Point of Contact Marissa Robertson Program Manager Disaster Recovery Unit Office of Community Development 1450 Poydras St., Ste. 1441 New Orleans, LA 70112 Phone: 504-556-9722 Grantee Website http://www.doa.la.gov/pages/default.aspx
CDGB-DR Financial Report 2-1-2018 (Feb. 1, 2018)
Louisiana B-16-DL-22-0001
Grant Award: $1,708,407,000
Balance: $1,565,249,426
Average of last 3 months of spending: $30,533,018
Grantee Spending Status: First year
Follow the money: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg-dr/cdbg-dr-grantee-contact-information/#louisiana-floods-and-other-2016-events-pl-114-223-and-pl-115-31
It might be a good start, we could script a simple phone message and start calling.
But, before we do that, I have the list of US Senators that voted against Louisiana as being a disaster zone (Aug 2016) for back dating the SBA issue.
I said I'd be making a form letter and the online application that all you need to do is put in your main registered voters name for each household, email address and press send.
This issue is far from being over in my book.
It's LA history to pay slow, if you review 2016, 2017 not related to our Aug 2016 floods you'll see hundreds are employed to move slowly. Again, issue to bring up as wasteful government spending. Find people that will work like it was a real-world job and you'll get that money out. Or allow a church Non-Profit to do it.
So hold off on calling until we get a few others listed and an action plan that has a logical path and solution.
Anyone can complain, few can complain with a solution.
I want to be part of that group that makes heads roll with a plan.