Plan I: Make the Louisiana Homeowners Task Force Members take input from Louisiana Homeowners!
We as a group are known within many circles but some circles have dismissed us which will change this week.
According to Governor Edwards Executive Order JBE-2016-65 the Task Force has to setup a method for the public to offer input and to allow them to make policy based on such input.
This is not the same as Public Comments which is based on state policy of Boards and Commissions.
When I asked the governors communications director how to contact the Louisiana Task Force I was never answered.
I have talked with the Task Force and one member directly. When I was told they only answer to people in their Parish, City, or District I was setback a bit since I know that the Executive order does not state that and the Boards and Commissions policy does not state that for the general public.
JBE-2016-65: " Section 2: The duties of the Task Force include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. .... There must be a mechanism for public input and the opportunity to modify priorities and plans based on such input."
I am going to be offing "Public Input" of workable plans based on current policy and make policy change suggestions if we find current policy to be outdated, unrelated or a hindrance to our recovery efforts.
I will send one email per day per topic to all task force members until the Chair Persons have acknowledged receipt of the emails.
I will make the suggestions public in social media as well as the web so we all can tract the effectiveness of our efforts.
I will track each suggestion closely and follow up with unanswered public input. We have to make them do their jobs or step down from the Task Force.
I will also publish a list of those that have not attended the meetings since 2017. It's clear to me but not to others that we have members that just don't get along and when they have an issue with a vote those opposed or that I suspect are opposed simple do not attend. These people we need to remove from the task force and get people that will ask questions on behalf of the citizens of Louisiana and take our best interests in mind when talking Homeowners Assistance programs.
Plans I have in the works:
Homeowner Responsibility Solution: 1. We can suggest via the Task Force that the Governor of the State of Louisiana contact HUD and request HUD waive any and all IHP and IA funds given to homeowners that are currently suffering from Homeowner Responsibility as the only hold up to being approved a HUD CDBG-DR Grant.
Homeowner Responsibility Solution: 2. We can suggest via the Task Force that the Governor of the State of Louisiana to setup a Promissory Note Program funded by the Homeowners Assistance program to offer homeowners with Homeowner Responsibility the ability to pay off the amount due if it applies to FEMA Grants. This Note could be setup to be a 3 year, $1.00 per year payment and forgiven at the end of the program. It is basically the same path as asking FEMA to waive the FEMA grants IA and IHP.
We all could actually send emails and that is an option if they ignore us as a group.
But to start, I'd like to give Mr. Durbin the opportunity to detail how the task force wishes to receive public input as outlined by Executive Order JBE16-65.
Your comments and program ideas are welcome.