By Murray Wennerlund published 10-11-2023 updated 10-11-2023
By Murray Wennerlund published 3-28-2023 updated 3-28-2023
Office of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit (OCD-DRU)
It will take 7 more days, 14 more days, 2 to 4 weeks, there is no timeline or way to follow the process says one Louisiana Case Worker.
The state office of community development disaster recovery unit consumes millions of federal tax dollars every year to provide you with a logical disaster recovery process and procedure. But the state feels it's best to remodel the process and procedure specific to each disaster which is not procedurally correct and costs more federal tax dollars each year because of it. More administrative costs means less funding to homeowners. Each year homeowners find less funds available and more restrictions in place making the recovery program grant distribution process longer than necessary.
HUD has a program that is called Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and is funded by allocations approved by congress every year and at times for every disaster.
The state of Louisiana displays simple steps to follow for the HUD CDBG-DR program which Louisiana calls, Restore Louisiana Homeowners Assistance Program or RLHP for short.
The RLHP process step by step.
Steps 1 through 8 have fixed timelines according to internal state documents related to standard operating procedures of the program. The only way processes 1 through 8 could be delayed would due to the homeowners scheduling or documents.
The process timeline can be calculated all the way to your scheduled reimbursements which is determined on your actual construction or repair activity and progress.