Louisiana Homeowners that are eligible for a grant will receive a letter from the Restore Homeowners Program.
Dear Homeowner, We are pleased to inform you that your grant award letter for the Restore Louisiana Homeowners Assistance Program is now available.

By Murray Wennerlund published 10-19-2022 updated 10-19-2022
Print Grants LA Office of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit (OCD-DRU) 260 views

From: Restore Info [info@restore-la.org]
Received: [Today's Date]
Subject: Restore Louisiana Update: Eligibility

Dear Homeowner,

We are pleased to inform you that your grant award letter for the Restore Louisiana Homeowners Assistance Program is now available.

Visit: https://egrants.restore.la.gov/egrantsplus/app/index.html#/survey 
Login to your account through the eGrantsPlus Menu
Enter:  Your Account ID, Last Name, and existing Password
Click the Application Tab in the left menu to begin

If you are a homeowner that applied for and was approved for a Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loan, please know that Governor Edwards and the Office of Community Development continues to fight to provide some relief as it relates to your Duplication of Benefit (DOB) calculation. While we will continue to work with Louisiana’s Congressional Delegation and leaders of Congress to address this issue, we are required to proceed with our program given the current rules and regulations.

Please note that if SBA has performed a new underwriting of your loan and determined the approved amount has decreased or has been fully cancelled due to a change in circumstances (e.g. loss or change of job, death of co-applicant, etc.), you may submit a letter from SBA detailing their determination of the revised loan amount to the Restore Louisiana Program. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to contact SBA to request another underwriting and determination of eligible SBA assistance. If so, the Program will then recalculate your final grant amount based on your updated SBA award. Please note, that a homeowner’s request to reduce their SBA loan amount without a revised determination issued by SBA will not result in a re-evaluation of your Restore award.

Note: If you have forgotten your password, click the key icon in the top right corner of the eGrantsPlus system, enter your Account ID and last name, and instructions to change your password will be sent to your email address.

If you need additional assistance, please call 866-735-2001 between 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday – Friday to speak with a program representative.


The Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program

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