Louisiana homeowners with major to severe damage from hurricane Laura or Delta must document repairs.
For Louisiana homeowners long term recovery is managed by the State of Louisiana Office of Community Development - Disaster Recovery Unit OCD-DRU.

By Murray Wennerlund published 8-12-2022 updated 8-12-2022
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Historically the OCD-DRU has managed storms in groups of 2 or more. When your home has been damaged by multiple storms while you were making repairs after the first storm the state will not just take your word for what you have completed. The state OCD-DRU will not even except receipts for materials in some cases.

It's time to document all your repairs and gather up your receipts for all your materials. In some if not all cases you will have to provide proof that you actually paid for the material. This new process was introduced after October 2019 when the OCD-DRU added two middle managers. The thought was anyone can get a receipt claiming damages from a previous storm. The state requested from many homeowners the receipt and proof of payment which was not limited to one of the following

  • Receipt that was not paid in cash.
  • Receipt that shows the credit or debit card holders name and last four of the card.
  • Credit card statement that shows the charge and shows that the balance was paid for the charge.
  • A bank account showing the withdrawal of funds to pay for the credit card.
  • Debit card purchases only have to have bank statement showing the account was in your name.

These points were mentioned in state meetings and reported by homeowners of the March and August floods of 2016.


Keep your receipts, pay with a credit card, check or debit card, keep your bank statements, credit card statements. Be sure you have saved both physical copies and digital copies. The state will not except reimbursement claims if you are claiming double storm damage if you can not prove you actually paid for everything.

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