By Murray Wennerlund published 8-8-2024 updated 12-9-2024
By Murray Wennerlund published 4-16-2019 updated 1-15-2022
Starting from your eGrants main page: 4-16-2019
Revised after 10-5-2018 management meeting.
eGrantsPlus 4.2 (Mobile Friendly)
Welcome Murray W ( 123456 )
Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program
Your Grant Award is ready for review.
Application ID:ABC123
Applicant:Murray W
Account ID:123456
Damaged Residence Address:123 Flood Ave.
Solution:2 - Homeowner Managed
Total RLHP Award:$299,999.95
To see the details of the award calculation, please open and view your Grant Award.
In connection with the calculation of your award, program damage assessment representatives have made an inspection of your home and compiled a list of damages to your home that have either been fixed or are eligible for reimbursement under Solution 3 and/or are eligible for repair under Solutions 1 or 2. It is imperative that you take the time to review your available estimates.
Please indicate how you would like to proceed with your grant acknowledgement:
I accept the award as shown in the Award Table and wish to proceed with my repair, reconstruction or reimbursement. I understand that the next step will be for a Program representative to contact me and schedule my grant execution meeting. Once I have executed my grant, I will be able to move forward with the repair of my home or receive my reimbursement check, if no repairs are needed. I have had the opportunity, and ample time, to review current Program Policies and my property estimates. I acknowledge that if I accept my award prior to the expiration of the 30 day appeal period otherwise available to me, I am finally and forever relinquishing my right to appeal or otherwise protest any determination made by the Program in connection with my application and award.
I disagree with my award calculation, repair or reimbursement estimate, or some or all of the determinations made by the Program in connection with its processing of my application for assistance. As a result, I am electing to refuse the award and exercise my right to appeal. By selecting this option, I am initiating the first step in that process and will follow the Program Appeal Procedures as attached to this notification letter. I understand that appealing my award calculation will result in the delay of benefits and my application will remain on hold until my appeal is resolved. Please note that all appeals must be filed within 30 days from the date of award acknowledgement. Appeals filed after the 30-day mark may not be considered.
I need to discuss my award with a Program representative to more fully understand how my award was calculated. I understand that if I have any questions about the information contained in this award notification that I should contact my case manager. I understand that my benefits will be delayed and my application will not move forward until I have consulted with my case manager and I am ready to accept my award.
Please Initial
[END eGrants Online Page 1]
Changes made between version [Old] "Award Calculation (Positive) Version 3.1 effective 03/16/2018" and [New) "Award Calculation (Positive) Version 3.1 effective 10/5/2018"
[Old] Based on the information you have provided to the Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program (the "Program" or "RLHP), in connection with your application, the Program has made a determination on the eligibility of your application and calculated your potential award. Your award calculation table is available by clicking the link "Open Grant Award PDF" within eGrants.
[New No Change] Based on the information you have provided to the Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program (the "Program" or "RLHP), in connection with your application, the Program has made a determination on the eligibility of your application and calculated your potential award. Your award calculation table is available by clicking the link "Open Grant Award PDF" within eGrants.
[Old] If you have already completed all construction activities and your award is a reimbursement award only, this letter outlines how your final award has been calculated and your award calculation table shows your final award determination. If you have a Solution 1 or 2 repair or reconstruction award or a Solution 2 mobile home replacement award, this award acknowledgment notification letter outlines how your final award has been calculated and your award calculation table shows your final award determination.
[NEW Changed] > If you have already completed all construction activities and your award is a reimbursement award only, this letter outlines how your final award has been calculated and your award calculation table shows your final award determination. If you have a Solution 1 or 2 repair or reconstruction award or a Solution 2 mobile home replacement award, this award acknowledgment notification letter outlines how your final award has been calculated and your award calculation table shows your final award determination.
[OLD] If you have a Solution 2 repair award, the Program will provide technical assistance for you and your selected construction contractor to review and confirm the Program's scope of work. You are strongly encouraged to review the enclosed scope of work with your repair contractor to determine if there are any eligible items or repairs which have not been included in the award. Any changes to this award that your contractor documents will be reviewed by the Program if you appeal your repair estimate prior to grant execution. The Program will determine if requested changes are eligible under the program rules and, if they are, necessary eligible modifications will be reflected in your grant agreement, prior to starting actual construction. You must notify the Program within thirty days that you will be requesting an adjustment to the award. (See Appeal Procedures for Applicants included at the end of this letter.)
[NEW Changed] If you have a Solution 2 repair award, the Program will provide technical assistance for you and your selected construction contractor to review and confirm the Program's scope of work. You are strongly encouraged to review the enclosed scope of work with your repair contractor to determine if there are any eligible items or repairs which have not been included in the award. Any changes to this award that your contractor documents will be reviewed by the Program if you appeal your repair estimate prior to grant execution. The Program will determine if requested changes are eligible under the Program rules and, if they are, necessary eligible modifications will be reflected in your grant agreement, prior to starting Program-funded construction. You must notify the Program within thirty days that you will be requesting an adjustment to the award. (See Appeal Procedures for Applicants included at the end of this letter.)
[OLD] During construction, your homebuilding contractor may discover unforeseen conditions requiring additional repair or alternative construction practices that were not included in your repair award. In these instances, only unforeseen conditions may result in a change order to your scope of work and your ultimate award, subject to Program review and approval. These changes may be positive, meaning an increased award, or they may be negative, meaning a decreased award. Such variations in your final award are necessary to ensure that your home is properly repaired and that the Program only pays for work that is necessary and reasonable within Program guidelines. In any instance of a decrease in the actual cost of your repair or reconstruction, the grant award and disbursements may be reduced to reflect the reduction in repair or construction costs.
[NEW Changed] During construction, your homebuilding contractor may discover unforeseen conditions requiring additional repair or alternative construction practices that were not included in your repair award. In these instances, only unforeseen conditions may result in a change order to your scope of work and your ultimate award, subject to Program review and approval. These changes may be positive, meaning an increased award, or they may be negative, meaning a decreased award. Such variations in your final award are necessary to ensure that your home is properly repaired and that the Program only pays for work that is necessary and reasonable within Program guidelines. In any instance of a decrease in the actual cost of your repair or reconstruction, the grant award and disbursements may be reduced to reflect the reduction in repair or construction costs. Read your grant agreement carefully for additional requirements.
[OLD] If your damaged home, reconstructed home or replacement home is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, any insurable structure on any part of the property shall, at all times, be insured under a policy of flood insurance in the amount of the lesser of: (i) the full insurable value of the structure as determined by the applicable property insurer, or (ii) the maximum amount available for the structure under the National Flood Insurance Program, or a successor program. Failure to maintain insurance may result in you being ineligible for future disaster relief. Upon the sale or transfer of the property, you will, on or before the date of such transfer, and as part of the documents evidencing such transfer, notify all transferees in writing of the continuing obligation to maintain flood insurance on the property. In the event that you fail to provide such notice, you may be liable to the United States for future disaster assistance related to the property.
[NEW Changed] If your damaged home, reconstructed home or replacement home is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, any insurable structure on any part of the property shall, at all times, be insured under a policy of flood insurance in the amount of the lesser of: (i) the full insurable value of the structure as determined by the applicable property insurer, or (ii) the maximum amount available for the structure under the National Flood Insurance Program, or a successor program. The full insurable value of the structure will be based upon the Program's final total project cost for the applicant. Failure to maintain insurance may result in you being ineligible for future disaster relief.
Applicant(s) under Solution 1 and Solution 2 agree not to transfer the Damaged Home or any interest in the Damaged Home, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, until the rehabilitation or reconstruction to be performed under the program has been completed, as confirmed by a successful Program final inspection. Applicant(s) under Solution 3 agree that the Damaged Home has not been transferred, sold or been made subject to any new liens, mortgages or encumbrances prior to receiving a grant award. Upon the sale or transfer of the property, you will, on or before the date of such transfer, and as part of the documents evidencing such transfer, notify all transferees in writing of the continuing obligation to maintain flood insurance on the property. In the event that you fail to provide such notice, you may be liable to the United States for future disaster assistance related to the property.
[OLD] Evidence that your damaged home (or reconstructed home) is covered by any required flood insurance must be provided at the Grant Agreement Execution and again before the final disbursement of grant funding. A declaration sheet or ACORD form describing the coverage from your insurance company will be sufficient evidence to satisfy this requirement. If flood coverage is required, but not available due to the disrepair of your damaged home, you must submit a declination letter from the insurer at the Grant Agreement Execution. You must also provide proof that you obtained flood insurance once construction has been completed on your home, prior to final payment of grant dollars.
[NEW Changed] Evidence that your damaged home (or reconstructed home) is covered by any required flood insurance must be provided at the grant agreement execution and again before the final disbursement of grant funding. In the event the damaged home is being reconstructed, or a new MHU is being provided, evidence is only required prior to final funding of grant proceeds. A declaration sheet, ACORD form describing the coverage from your insurance company, or flood insurance application along with a paid receipt will be sufficient evidence to satisfy this requirement. If flood coverage is required, but not available due to the disrepair of your damaged home, you must submit a declination letter from the insurer at the grant agreement execution. In all cases, you must also provide proof that you obtained flood insurance once construction has been completed on your home, prior to final payment of grant dollars.
[OLD] If you are required to elevate your home, the lowest habitable floor of your home must be elevated to either the local jurisdiction elevation height requirement or two (2) feet above the Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE), whichever is higher. For Solution 1 applicants, the Program will verify this requirement by obtaining final elevation certificates if the local jurisdiction is requiring elevation. If you are a Solution 2 or Solution 3 homeowner, it is your responsibility to obtain your elevation certificates and provide them to the RLHP.
[NEW Changed] If you are required to elevate your home, the lowest habitable floor of your home must be elevated to either the local jurisdiction elevation height requirement or two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), or two (2) feet above the Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE), whichever is higher. For Solution 1 applicants, the Program will verify this requirement by obtaining final elevation certificates if the local jurisdiction is requiring elevation. If you are a Solution 2 or Solution 3 homeowner, it is your responsibility to obtain your elevation certificates and provide them to the RLHP.
[NO CHANGE] In connection with the calculation of your award, Program representatives have made an inspection of your home and have compiled a list of damages that have either already been repaired and are eligible for reimbursement under Solution 3 and/or are eligible for repair under Solutions 1 or 2. Your estimates can be viewed or downloaded from your online account.
[NO CHANGE] These estimates provide the initial basis of your award calculation. We also evaluated the sources of funding that have been made available to you by FEMA, SBA, insurance, and other sources for the express purpose of repairing your home. These funds, per federal law, are considered "Duplication of Benefits" or "DOB" and must be deducted from your reimbursement and/or repair estimate values. Federal law forbids the Program from providing a second source of financial assistance for the same repair purpose as funds already made available by FEMA, SBA, insurance, etc.
[OLD] In addition to any reduction due to Duplication of Benefits, your reimbursement award may be reduced due to the Program's tiering policy that is based on your household's income category. Homeowners who are in Phases III through VI will receive up to 50% of their eligible reimbursement award. All homeowners are eligible for up to 100% of their prospective repair award.
[NO CHANGE] This letter will explain, in more detail, how we calculated your award. Information contained in this letter does not change any program rules. Program rules contained in the RLHP Homeowner Manual are governing. Please make sure you review and understand current Program policies along with the sample grant agreement(s) located on You will need to sign your Grant Agreement at Grant Execution, to receive your award.
[NEW Changed] Your award calculation worksheet consists of seven main sections:
[OLD] Area Median Income (AMI) Percentage: HUD publishes income tables for specific geographic regions. AMI is the "middle" number of the incomes in the defined geographic area. Your AMI percentage represents how close your income is to your area's median income. Your household's income affects the phase, or order, in which your application and award are processed. It also impacts the tier, or funding level, for which you are eligible. HUD's definition of income level is based on AMI percentage as detailed below:
[NEW Changed]Area Median Income (AMI) Percentage: HUD publishes income tables for specific geographic regions. AMI is the "middle" number of the incomes in the defined geographic area. Your AMI percentage represents how close your income is to your area's median income. HUD's definition of income level is based on AMI percentage as detailed below:
[OLD] Applicant Phase: The Program uses phases to prioritize assistance to applicants with the most need. Program phases are determined by homeowner and property characteristics. Your initial phase is determined by your survey responses. Your initial phase may change based on the information that is verified in your application. More detailed descriptions of the phases can be found in the RLHP Homeowner Manual.
[NEW Changed] Applicant Phase: Your initial phase is determined by your survey responses. Your initial phase may change based on the information that is verified in your application. More detailed descriptions of the phases can be found in the RLHP Homeowner Manual.
[NO CHANGE] Applicant Program Solution: This line indicates the solution or solutions for which you are eligible (Solutions 1 through 3). You may be eligible for only one solution or a combination of Solutions 1 and 3 or 2 and 3, depending on your individual circumstances.
[OLD] Solution 1 Program Managed Rehabilitation / Reconstruction: Upon execution of your grant award for this solution, your repair or reconstruction project will be assigned to a Program contractor and your construction project will be initiated. The state will pay the grant proceeds directly to the homebuilding contractor at 50% and 100% of construction completion.
[NEW Changed] Solution 1 Program Managed Rehabilitation / Reconstruction: Upon execution of your grant award for this solution, your repair or reconstruction project will be assigned to a Program contractor and your construction project will be initiated. The state will pay the grant proceeds directly to the homebuilding contractor at 50% and 100% of construction completion, less any approved deferred scope, if applicable.
[OLD] If you have selected Solution 1 and your Award Calculation Table indicates that there are escrow funds required, you will need to provide the full amount of your required escrow, in the form of a money order or cashier's check, at your Grant Execution appointment. Funds must be made payable to "Restore Louisiana Homeowner Depository". Please write your Account ID on your check. You will not be eligible for assistance unless these funds are provided to a program representative at your Grant Execution appointment. The RLHP Homeowner Manual contains additional details about the escrow requirements. Once you have executed the Grant Agreement, you may be required to vacate your property for construction to begin.
[NEW Changed] If you have selected Solution 1 and your Award Calculation Table indicates that there are escrow funds required, you will need to provide the full amount of your required escrow less any approved deferred scope, if applicable, in the form of a money order or cashier's check, at your Grant Execution appointment. Funds must be made payable to "Restore Louisiana Homeowner Depository". Please write your Account ID on your check. You will not be eligible for assistance unless these funds are provided to a Program representative at your Grant Execution appointment. The RLHP Homeowner Manual contains additional details about the escrow requirements. Once you have executed the Grant Agreement, you may be required to vacate your property for construction to begin.
[No Change] Solution 2 Homeowner Managed Rehabilitation / Reconstruction: Under this solution, you will contract with your homebuilding contractor directly. Prior to grant execution for this solution, you must supply your selected licensed and insured contractor's information and your construction contract to the Program. Your homebuilding contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and you are responsible for providing copies of permits to the Program. The Program will issue two-party payment to you and your homebuilding contractor based on the payment schedule in your written construction contract or subject to the Program guidelines. The contractor's information and a copy of the executed construction contract must be provided to RLHP prior to grant agreement execution. Construction must begin within 180 days of execution of the grant agreement unless a written hardship extension is approved, or your award will be terminated.
[No Change] The Program will allow you to self-manage your construction project or hire a licensed and insured homebuilding contractor or registered home improvement contractor to complete the work. Any work required by law to be performed by a licensed professional (i.e. electrical, plumbing, and mechanical) may not be self-managed unless you are a holder of the necessary license or your trade provider holds the necessary license. If you choose to self-manage your repair work, you must check with your local permitting office on whether or not your scope of work includes work that requires a permit. The Program may require documentation from you showing that you confirmed your scope of work with your local permitting office and that the permitting office determined no permits were required. If permits are required, the Program may require documentation from you showing that the work, as applicable, was in fact performed by a licensed professional.
[OLD] If you have chosen Solution 2 to complete your remaining repair, you will need to spend the amount of Excess Duplication of Benefits and / or any required homeowner contribution indicated in the Award Calculation Table, on eligible repairs to your home, prior to the disbursement of any Program funds you are otherwise eligible to receive. Program representatives will verify these repairs / expenditures prior to disbursement of Program Funds.
[NEW Changed] If you have chosen Solution 2 to complete your remaining repair, you will need to spend the amount of Excess Duplication of Benefits and / or any required homeowner contribution indicated in the Award Calculation Table, on eligible repairs to your home, prior to the disbursement of any Program funds you are otherwise eligible to receive, less any approved deferred scope, if applicable. Program representatives will verify these repairs / expenditures prior to disbursement of Program Funds.
[OLD] Solution 2 Mobile Home Replacement: If you are eligible for mobile home replacement, your award will be in an amount equal to the maximum program cap or the actual cost of your replacement unit, whichever is less, and will be reduced by any duplication of benefit and/or your award tier, if applicable. The maximum program cap for mobile home replacement is either $45,000 or $65,000 depending upon whether you are replacing a single-wide or a double-wide mobile home. Unlike Solution 2 Homeowner Managed Rehabilitation / Reconstruction, Solution 2 Mobile Home Replacement does not include a 20% construction overhead and profit margin. The maximum program cap includes all costs associated with purchase, site preparations, delivery, removal of the damaged home, as applicable, and tie-in to site infrastructure.
[NEW Changed] Solution 2 Mobile Home Replacement: If you are eligible for mobile home replacement, your award will be in an amount equal to the maximum Program cap or the actual cost of your replacement unit, whichever is less, and will be reduced by any duplication of benefit. The maximum Program cap for mobile home replacement is either $45,000 or $65,000 depending upon whether you are replacing a single-wide or a double-wide mobile home. Unlike Solution 2 Homeowner Managed Rehabilitation / Reconstruction, Solution 2 Mobile Home Replacement does not include a 20% construction overhead margin. The maximum Program cap includes all costs associated with purchase, site preparations, delivery, removal of the damaged MHU unit, as applicable, and tie-in to site infrastructure.
End page 4 of 8 to be continued 4-17-2019