By Murray Wennerlund published 8-8-2024 updated 12-9-2024
By Murray Wennerlund published 4-12-2019 updated 1-15-2022
From: Sean Reilly []
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 11:20 AM
To: Pat Forbes <Patrick.Forbes@LA.GOV> Susan Wassan <>
Subject: sba loan issue
Hey Pat--Happy holidays. Quick question-- what do you think the odds are of DC granting us relief from the SBA loan duplication of benefits even if you didn't take it issue? Thx,
From: Pat Forbes
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Sean Reilly Susan Wassan
Subject: RE: sba loan issue
And to you, too, Sean. Not sure I understand the end of the question, but I don't really have a feel for likelihood of passage. we are getting our numbers together in to know how short we'd be if it does pass, just so we're fully prepared to make the additional ask or make program adjustments, etc.
Bill Passed:
From: Lori Dupont on behalf of Pat Forbes
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 1:34 PM
To: Adam Knapp; Commissioner Mike Strain; Darryl Gissel; Don Pierson; Dr. James Richardson; Shawn Wilson; Jacqui Vines Wyatt; Jimmy Durbin; John Gallagher; Johnny Bradberry; Mayor Dave Norris; Mayor Ollie Tyler; Mayor President Joel Robideaux; Michael Faulk; Michael Olivier; Randy Clouatre; Representative Edward "Ted" James (2); Representative J. Rogers Pope; Representative Robert Shadoin; Roland Dartez; Sean Reilly; Senator Dan "Blade" Morrish
Cc: Pat Forbes; Lori Dupont; Aimee Richard; Arlene Adger; Barbara Marrable; Becky Perret; Cami Barlow; Enger Kinchen; Jane Lambert; 'Jayne Norton'; Jonathan LeMaire; Julie Simms (; Karen White; Kimberly LaMotte; Nancy Collie; Paine Gowen; Rhea Victorian; Rhonda Byrd; Sabrina Sentino; Susan Wassan
Subject: HR4667
Restore Louisiana Task Force Members:
As you're probably aware, late Wednesday, Dec. 21, the U.S. House of Representatives passed an $81 billion disaster recovery bill that includes CDBG-DR funding for mitigation activities that reduce the risk from future disasters. In the bill’s current version, Louisiana would be eligible for some of this funding for recovery from the 2016 Floods.
Equally important, the current version of the bill includes a proposed change regarding guidance on how SBA loans are considered a duplication of benefits for grant programs. This is something Gov. Edwards, the Office of Community Development and this task force have been advocating since the flood.
This is a link to an article by The Advocate posted Wednesday night.
The Senate will not hear the legislation until January at the earliest, so changes are certainly possible. Obviously, each of these items would have a huge impact on our recovery. I want to assure the task force that we are monitoring the legislation closely, and we are doing everything we can to prepare for successful passage, knowing that the final version may be very different.
We will provide an update on the legislation and our preparation during our meeting on Jan. 12. If you'd like further details or have questions before then, please let us know.
Happy Holidays, and we look forward to seeing you in January.
Pat Forbes
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