Have you ever filed a report with the SBA Office of Inspector General (SBA OIG) ?
Do you know what a "Flash Report" request is?
Do you know who can ask for a "Flash Report"?
Do you know who your US Senators are?
Do you know your US Senators can request information from the SBA OIG over any concern?
Have you read and do you know if your senator has read section 1102 of the CARES Act HR 748 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)?
Did you know that the PPP was launched on April 3, 2020 and by April 16, 2020 1,661,000 first come, first served loans were paid totaling $342.3 million?
Did you know the 2nd allocations were signed by president Trump April 24, 2020?
Did you know the SBA started processing second round of loans April 27, 2020?
Did you know as of May 6, 2020 an additional 2,441,369 loans totaling $183.5 billion were processed?
Did you read that the SBA OIG reported the following "...The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act set aside portions of the additional funding for smaller lenders, but there were no other significant differences regarding requirements for the PPP than in the CARES Act."
"The Senators also asked that by May 8, 2020, we provide recommendations on SBA's current rules, regulations, policies, and procedures to ensure small businesses get the money they need and are treated fairly by PPP lenders. "
Have you made any comments regarding the rules published by the SBA? (Linked from announcements section)
Have you emailed, called, US Postal mailed your concerns to your two US senators about your PPP lenders processes?
Do you have the final interim rules as recorded in the federal register of how to file for PPP loan forgiveness?
If your answers are mostly "No" do yourself and the group a major favor and read the report I have attached to this post. Then, call your states US Senator, you have 2 of them. Talk to them about the other Senators concerns. Ask that your senator add your questions and concerns. When you finish contacting your states senators both of them in your state post in the comments a brief of your discussion with your US Senator.