How do we help make a correction on a SBA EIDL application regarding banking infomation?
When you need to update banking information or if you made a mistake with your routing number or account number on your original application to the SBA for your EIDL you should keep things focused in your email. On point, single subject, no questions.

By Murray Wennerlund published 10-17-2022 updated 10-17-2022

Email your request to: .

When you email any government agency always use a simple format so the person screening the emails or the script sees account information.

Email Format suggestion:

SUBJECT: Loan Application Number, First, Last Name, Reason for Email [example: Bank Account Update]

Example Body of email: "Please update my SBA EIDL application #12345690 with the following bank routing number and account number. 123-132-1111".

Body of message should be short.
Don't ask for questions or ask for status of your loan when you are making a single correction. 
Keep your email on point, no secondary mission here. You want to update your bank account, and that's all you need to write about. 

Signature of email to include your application number again, first and last name, street address, city, state and zip then your phone number.