Restore LA TF resolution - Water ED 20180412 Restore LA TF resolution - Water ED.docx April 13, 2018 7 31 AM

Published 2-25-2019 search group

From: Adam Knapp <>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2018 7:31 AM
To: Pat Forbes
Cc: Don Pierson
Subject: Restore LA TF resolution - Water ED
Attachments: 20180412 Restore LA TF resolution - Water ED.docx

Pat – Here's a quick concept for a resolution per our conversation to express the support of the task force for the new LWCA to embrace the use of the state’s research centers in manners that boost the scientific and technical capabilities of Louisiana's water research centers with its funding for watershed floodplain management. Does this work?


Attachment: 20180412 Restore LA TF resolution - Water ED.docx

Proposed Resolution of the Restore LA Task Force

Prioritize investment to advance watershed-based floodplain science in Louisiana

Whereas, Louisiana seeks to create a safer state for its citizens who are living in proximity to water,

Whereas, Louisiana will invest billions of dollars of CDBG-DR and HMGP resources for the protection, sustainability and resilience of the state through advanced floodplain management;

Whereas, Louisiana has invested and is continuing to invest significant dollars in creating organizations such as The Water Institute of the Gulf and university centers that build the state's strength as a unique, global leader in water management;

Whereas, Louisiana has an opportunity to develop capabilities through this Louisiana's nonprofit research institutes and universities to advance the science, knowledge and capabilities of Louisiana for Louisiana that develop cutting edge, innovative capabilities that can become tools to help the world, and position its institutes to be more competitive for additional federal and international work;

Whereas, Louisiana is positioned to be a national and international leader in watershed-based floodplain management;

Whereas, the state should advance as a top strategic priority the scientific advancement of water-related innovation for Louisiana in a manner that also respects that non-profit research centers and universities should avoid direct competition with the private sector;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Restore Louisiana Task Force strongly encourages that the newly formed Louisiana Watershed Coordinated Agencies (LWCA) seek to further Louisiana's competitiveness in watershed based floodplain management by prioritizing the use of their state and federal resources at Louisiana’s independent, not-for-profit, scientific research institutes such as The Water Institute of the Gulf and at other, similar water management research centers that currently exist at its public and private research universities. Further, these state and federal investments should seek to leverage their independent scientific and technical advice and avoid competition with the private sector for capabilities including but not limited to:

  • Coordinating the development of a common set of modeling standards;
  • Providing the State with Quality Assurance / Quality Control services;
  • Developing a statewide flood Real-Time Forecasting (RTF) System; and
  • Developing metrics and research-based strategies for assessing community vulnerability and adaptation interventions.

Further, the Task Force encourages quarterly or semi-annual public reporting to the Task Force, Governor, Legislature, and online to demonstrate progress toward the goals stated above


From: Lori Dupont <>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 10:28 AM
To: Adam Knapp <>
Cc: Jonathan LeMaire <>

Subject: Resolution


Were you planning to revise the resolution? If you would rather our office handle the revisions, can you send me the resolution in Word format?

From: Adam Knapp <>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 1:37 PM
To: Lori Dupont
Cc: Jonathan LeMaire
Subject: RE: Resolution

Attachments: 20180412 Restore LA TF resolution - Water ED.docx

I actually was wondering who was doing it. I didn’t take notes on how we worded the edits. I proposed one way to word it, then the Superintendent proposed a different way to do it, and then we voted and I wasn’t clear what we voted on doing in the amended language. Attached is the original resolution although I think the printed version had incorporated some clean up edits that Pat did, so he might actually have the latest and greatest one.



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Restore LA TF resolution - Water ED 20180412 Restore LA TF resolution - Water ED.docx April 13, 2018 7:31 AM

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