Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.

Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.

Freedom of Information Request: Copy of the Declined SBA Award Policy.

#7 published 1-4-2019 1 min. 54 seconds read, search group Research.

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Contact In State, Groups, People, Agencies

#108 published 3-25-2019 7 min. 13 seconds read, search group Research.

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Response to correspondence to President Trump, dated November 27, 2018, requesting that the President waive any requirements that Small Business Administration SBA loans are a prohibited duplication of benefit with HUD CDBG.

#17 published 1-3-2019 2 min. 10 seconds read, search group Research.

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Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program has heard from many homeowners who have been anxiously waiting for progress on the federal duplication of benefits fix.

#18 published 1-3-2019 2 min. 29 seconds read, search group Research.

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GAO-19-232 Disaster Victims not inspected by HUD for damages when applicants where denied by SBA

#124 published 5-14-2019 1 min. 17 seconds read, search group Research.

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SBA Disaster Recovery Loan Applicant Information: Declined or cancelled subsidized loans

#164 published 9-24-2019 2 min. 51 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.

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Solution 2 Reconstruction Grant Award Calculation error discovered after process review by homeowners. Homeowners Reconstruction qualifying Grant Award Calculator does not match Solution 2 Homeowners Grant Award Calculator.

#95 published 3-5-2019 4 min. 36 seconds read, search group Research.

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Freedom of Information Request: Marvin McGraw via media release mentioned a letter sent to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) asked for clarification and guidance to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018

#28 published 1-4-2019 2 min. 57 seconds read, search group Research.

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Freedom of Information Request: Request statistical data with supporting documents and any email or letter communications identifying homeowners with the following SBA cancellation codes.

#25 published 1-4-2019 21 seconds read, search group Research.

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Freedom of Information Request: Request the number of homeowners that have SBA Loan amounts listed as Duplication of Benefits for their Restore Louisiana Homeowners Program application matching the SBA Cancellation codes provided below.

#40 published 1-4-2019 1 min. 57 seconds read, search group Research.

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