Hazard Mitigation Assistance Cost-Share for LMI Households. Hurricane Isaac funding in select parishes

Published 7-17-2019 search group HMGP

FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds provided to parishes, then distributed to individuals, also have a 25 percent cost-share, but it is the individual who is responsible for payment.

The state allocated $2,714,277 to assist low-to-moderate income residents who qualify for HMGP funds but cannot afford to pay the cost-share.

The parishes identified with Isaac funded HMGP elevation programs and their initial allocations are as follows:

Parish Current Allocation

  • Livingston $450,000.00
  • Terrebonne $578,152.86
  • Washington $240,000.00
  • Tangipahoa $450,000.00
  • TBD $996,124.14

Total $2,714,277


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